Survey Welcome to the Minneapolis/St. Paul Base Improvement Survey MSP Survey MSP Survey USSVI MSP Base Improvement Survey When responding to the questions... Q1 Existing Topics at Base Meetings. * Meeting topics Used, describe topics you LIKE and DISLIKE. Q2 Base Mtgs? * What is the number of Base Member meetings you attended last calendar year? Q3 New Base Meeting Suggested Topics and/or Activities What Base meeting topics or activities would encourage you to attend. Please list your suggestions. Q4 Richfield VFW Location OK? * Do you like the VFW 5555 in Richfield for our Base Meetings? List your PREFERRED location(s) in the box above. Q4 VFW loc * LIKE VFW=5, DISLIKE=1 Q5 Guest Speakers topics or speaker. For 2024, we will have a guest speaker scheduled for October. List any topic(s) or speakers you would like to see? Q6 Base Parades and Events What are the advantages/disadvantages of our MSP Base participation in parades and events? Recruiting has been the primary focus. Any suggestions on additional purposes for events? Q6 Attend? Yes No Maybe Can you volunteer to assist with the parades and/or events? Q7 Standard Base Events - Xmas, Picnic, Cruise Our annual Christmas, Picnic and River Cruises have been a success. Any suggestions for other events such as sports, dinner theatre of more? Have you attended these events? Your comments about our standard events are encouraged? Q8 Special Events We are planning special events for 2025. See the July/August DDN (hard copy of online) for details. Do you have any suggestions for special events. Q8 Special? * Yes No Maybe Are you planning to attend any of our special events? If yes, which one(s)? Please specify! Q9 Murder Mystery * goto Any comments or suggestions? Q9 Murder/Mystery? * Yes No Maybe A fun event for all. Dress up in the cloths of the era and solve the "who did it". Would you attend? Q10 DDN Newsletter * Our Deep Dive News is published 6 times a year. Recent changes have been made including a Table of Contents and standard articles. You suggestions for topics and improvements are encouraged. Which sections do you enjoy? Which sections are of little or no interest to you? Q10 Read DDN? * Yes No Sometimes Do you read the MSP DDN newsletter? Q10 DDN Rate * Do you enjoy the DDN? Give it a 1 to 5 where 5 is the best and 1 is the worst. Overall Suggestions for our MSP BASE improvements! Additional space for response to questions above. Please begin each comment with the Q number you are referencing. Your name and Phone are optional Your name and Phone are optional First First Last Last Optional Need Your Help for MSP Base Leadership Leadership * Interested Possibly Not now No Submit Your Survey - Correct any errors. Look for GREEN message If you are human, leave this field blank.