Minneapolis/St.PaulSubmarine Links
MSP Facebook Group Minneapolis/St.Paul Sub Vets base on Facebook
The Minnesota Submarine League in conjunction with the Minnesota Air and Space Museum, is working on a Bridge to the Future, exhibiting the role submarines have played in our country’s continual pursuit of peace and technology in the world.
Standard Submarine Phraseology Manual describes uniform voice procedures and phraseology for use throughout the U.S. WW II submarine fleet. This helped save time, prevented confusion and mistakes, and increased the general efficiency of voice communications.
25 Museum Submarines Located across the United States
U.S. Submarine Memorials and Artifacts Locator File
Nav Source Naval History Photographic History of the Navy
PigBoats US Submarines, Pre WWI, WWI, Post WWI, 1920’s , 1930’s, to Submarines in the 1940’s
USSVI Sub Vets United States Submarine Veterans, Inc. An outstanding organization of and for all submariners
Last reviewed/updated 7/4/2020