Our Minneapolis/St. Paul Based Submarine Vets organization is always looking for new members.  We would like to add younger Submariners as our current membership average age continues to increase.  To address this issue, our Base now offers two types of memberships for you to chose from.

EClub Membership – We often meet a fellow submariner and ask them to join our Base.  For those that are younger, we frequently receive the response, “I’m too busy with my job and family to take on another responsibility.”  We fully respect their commitments and certainly agree with their priorities.  We don’t want to forget about them so our Base now offers the EClub Members option.  As an EClub member, you will have no commitments to support Base activities with the future plans to join as a Full Member when their time permits.  EClub members will be invited to selected Base events such as the December Annual Christmas Part and Special social events.  You will also receive our bi-monthly newsletter known as The Deep Dive.  After a one year as a EClub member, you will be asked to join the National and become an “At Large” member of USSVI.  You will receive the Submariner Magazine and can join our Base when your schedule permits a Full Membership.  

Full Membership – A full member of our Minneapolis/St. Paul Base receives all the privileges provided by our Base and National organizations.  That includes invitation to activities such as parties, picnics, special entertainment events, annual events, attend the National USSVI Conventions and more.  As a full member, you will receive our bi-monthly newsletter.  You can voluntarily participate in our events such as parades or events.   You can attend static events at which we display our WWII Balao Class  Submarine float used to promote our Base.  Members can become members of our Executive Board to help direct and manage our Base operations.