Christmas Gathering – Saturday December 4th – Details in current DDN

Minneapolis / St. Paul Base

United States Submarine Veterans USSVI

Our organization belongs to the members and local communities.  The MSP Base depends on the, participation and volunteerism of its’ members. 

Our purpose:  As a member of  the National Organization USSVI, our MSP Base provides a mutual benefit and enjoyment for US Submarine Veterans and their families.  It is for active and retired Submarine Veterans in the spirit of good friendship and loyalty among members of our common heritage.  We gather to strengthen the comradery of our members by enjoying their company at planned events centered around a family friendly atmosphere.

Our Promise: To Perpetuate the memory of our submarine shipmates who gave their lives while serving our country. That their dedication, deeds and supreme sacrifice shall be a constant source of our motivation toward greater accomplishments. Our organization pledges loyalty and patriotism to the United States of America and its Constitution.

Our MSP Base engages in various projects that brings about the perpetual remembrance of those shipmates who have given the supreme sacrifice. The organization will also endeavor to educate all third parties it comes in contact with about the services our submarine brothers performed and how their sacrifices made possible for the freedom and lifestyle we enjoy today.